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The Eritrean entity emerged with the arrival of Italian colonization and Eritrea existed as a nation through out the Italian colonial era, British protectorate, and federal establishment under occupation with Ethiopia. Eritrea joined the international community as a nation- state in 1991 after the victory of its armed struggle against the occupation by Ethiopia.

Although yet not well studied and researched, Eritrea is said to have nine nationalities with their own language in some with dialects, geographical territory in some cases not clear cut to be certain, cultural heritage and to some degree common economic life. Thus, Eritrea is multi-national and multi-cultural nation-state. Political development shape up nation and nation-state as what happened and still is happening all over our planet.




According to Webster New world Dictionary – it means to make friendly again or win over to a friendly attitude or to settle or compromise, bring back in to harmony. In our real life social activities it means repentance, that is to come to grips with the evils certain society or nation and nationality has done. It is like to try to make excuses, saying it was the best choice we had at that time or we did not know or we did what we were told. Aspects of reconciliation involve the following elements.


  • Were discovering the humanity of the person who has wronged us, seeing that individual as a human being not just as the one who offended us.
  • We surrender our right and desire to get even or punish the person.
  • We reserve our feeling towards the individual and are open to new relationship built on mutual respect.


As we can see above reconciliation has nothing to do with political aspects of life and does not include any democratic principles. The Eritrean problem is political problem which is the right to democratic governance.


When the AWATE TEAM defines their web-site I quote “If not for that big splatter, the goal of reconciliation, this website would not have a reason to exist”. We still believe the AWATE web-site is a plat form for political empowerment, to inspire, inform and teach. It is a media of political discourse and communication.


The splattered RECONCILIATION at the AWATE web-site is nothing more than the book “AYNEFELALE” authored by Alemseged Tesfain or the EPLF/EPDJ cliché “HADE LIBI HADE HISBI “. Reconciliation as used in the Eritrean political context is nothing than a mozzled terminology.



The fabric of society consists of intricate interrelationships and interactions between different activities, systems, organizations, institutions, ideas, beliefs and values. The process of social development occurs by increasing the scope and complexity of the organization of this fabric. The movement involves a simultaneous development of the social fabric in several dimensions:

  • Quantitative expansion in the size and carrying capacity of social activities, systems, organizations and institutions;
  • Qualitative increase in the content, productivity and sophistication of the constituent elements of the fabric;
  • Geographic extension of the organized fabric to provide more intensive coverage to larger portions of the population.
  • Integration of existing and new organizational elements into an increasingly complex network of interrelationships;

A continuous process of organizational invention and innovation spurs this movement. During each phase new organizations emerge and existing organizations take on new attributes that enable them to act as spearheads of the development process. The contribution of any of these factors may for a time become so significant that we view them as essential causes in their own right. Actually they are the live evolving ends of the underlying social organization of which they are a part and without which they cannot exist or function.

The accumulated knowledge of the society and its increasing awareness of emerging opportunities and challenges determine the overall direction given to this development process. The energy that drives the process is determined by the intensity of the collective social aspiration for higher levels of accomplishment released by this accumulated knowledge and growing awareness. These in turn are strongly influenced by the level of organization of the social collective.

Stated in other words, society becomes increasingly conscious of its inherent capabilities, the opportunities for high achievement and the means to organize itself for that achievement. The more conscious it becomes, the more its energies are released, the clearer the direction given to those energies, the more effective and efficient the organizational arrangements it fashions to support accomplishment, and the greater the magnitude and speed of social progress.

The Eritrean society is multi national or nationality, multi ethnic, of multi religious beliefs and multi lingual. The Eritrean society has experienced and is passing through the simultaneous development of social fabric in several dimensions. Through out these interactions of the Eritrean society history or our own eyes didn’t witness any conflicts between nations and nationalities, between different ethnic groups, between different religious groups. So, fellow AWATE team and others where is the need for reconciliation? If you are talking the incidents of TSENA DEGLE -- TORRA, the rebellion at EDAGA ARBI during the British Protectorate or the cross raids of cattle, you are trying to create mountains out of mole hills.


Domination is defined as the condition of having control or power over people, political intolerance is the unwillingness to extend expressive rights to disliked groups or individuals. It is a lack of respect for dissenting opinions, whether these are expressed in social, economic, politics or spiritual ideas. Tolerance is the essential endorphin of a democratic body politics.

We Eritreans have to evolve to a unique readiness to see enough of what is good, and what is able to be achieved with courage and earnestness, to manifest consciousness. We must make observations. A culture of denial is the prerequisite of injustice and war. War and injustice are merely a failure of maturity. Talking about “the mother of all reconciliations “instead of the political intolerance and rampant strife for domination in the Eritrean arena is a culture of denial of the existing political problem in our Eritrea.

Ever since the start of our armed struggle political intolerance and domination have been and are the main engagement of our political leaders. To mention some vivid examples, the elimination of HARAKA from the Eritrean field of armed struggle, the painful civil war between the ELE/EPLF several times before our freedom was achieved and even the existence of more than fifty political opposition fronts, parties, civic societies can not be interpreted in any other way, but quest for domination and political intolerance. There is no doubt that every Eritrean will say Dictatorship is the greater scourge of all the evils of intolerance and domination.

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Glory to our MARTYRS.