Jabatal Harir Sawrata diiba
kokkolata manna Seyoum Okbamicael imira kittitiyasina itiya
dinesina duguliya etetokesinume amadowa. Baca fardala unutte
kokosamara kobac koynama bagana kittite bubiyesina šoma taggima
kišamowa kotalalima haka. Nafarabbu kišano kittita subiddadabbu
Seyoum Okbamicael yette kišano kittitiya saurata dibatte kanna
kašima ańńadide tabila keddusabbuna sisimabbuna tošimabbu kafalki
samarabbu kakodadiki kabačinasi koola kaluki fedinasi kakossumala
inna ajala bayena kontimowabbu Erkukodisu kišano kittita antata
inna ajala bayenassi urfakin kerima amaadabbu sawrata diba kittita
antatette kišano baškulliyette kotaf gosumowa ossoski osamiňňa
Seyoum Okbamicael šasuyana unutte fardellala gufedki tilladinasi
koola kalumowa bubiyela agarińńana košitińńa laga jallabasi
šuka komaldata kobacina kišamowa ikaski koola kuwake. Sawrata
diiba marimaresina, baškullesina kittita dinesina itiya dine
ikke ašiyena okodoka baca mallaytiye bubiyesi Annam emanana
suburana kesoski urfakin kerima amaada šas kola goske.
Osman-Erkukodisu kokkolata manna.
Message of condolence
death of the veteran fighter Seyoum Ocbamikael is a shock for
all peace-loving Eritreans. Seyoum as any Eritrean knows is
a bold and true nationalist. He is among the vocals, orators
and skilled politicians Eritrea ever has since the liberation
struggle. His sudden death is a great shock for DMLEK and its
leadership for certain reasons. It was a new era where both
organizations have severed their differences democratically
and set for a new chapter of relation in the course of the struggle.
We the leadership of DMLEK would like to pass our deep sorrow
and grief by the sudden death of this great Eritrean fighter.
In the name of my organization and followers I promise to fulfill
the covenants we have reached with the leadership of ELF-RC
under the command of Seyoum Okbamicael. Even though it is so
bitter to swallow and believe Seyoum is not with us but his
words to quote" we will keep in touch and promote the remaining
ones in the coming rounds," will and should be with us
to remember him till the victory. May God rest his soul in peace
Wish him all the peace. Wish his comrades all the bests in their
daily endeavors.
Osman-Chairman of DMLEK.
መግለጺ ሓዘን
ሞት ተጋዳላይ ስዩም
ዑቕባሚኪኤል ንመርሕነትና
ዓቢ ስንባደን ባዶነት
እዩ፡፡ ብጻይ ስዩም
ዑቕባሚኪኤል ደፋርን
ሓርበኛን እዩ፡፡
ብጻይ ስዩም ዑቕባሚኪኤል
ካብቶም ሓርነታዊ
ቃልሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
ካብ ዘፍረየቶም ውሑዳት
መራሕቲ ተጋደልቲ
ሓደ እዩ፡፡ ሾትኡ
ሓልኑ ዝዛረብ ብሱልን
ደፋር ናይ ፖለቲካ
ክእላ እዩ ነይሩ፡፡
ምስ ተጋድሎ ሓርነት
ኤርትራ ሰውራዊ ባይቶ
ብደረጃ ውድብ ዝነበረና
ዘይምርድዳእ ብናቱን
ብጾቱን ተበግሶ ገጽ
ንገጽ ተራኽብና ፍልልያትና
ኣነጽርናን ተመሃህርና
ንቅድሚት ንምምራሽ
ኣብ እተዳለናሉ እዋን
ብምዕራፉ ፍሉይ ሓዘንን
ዓቢ ስንብራት ገድፉልና
እዩ፡፡ እንተኾነ
ብናቱ መርሕነት ኣብ
ዘካየድናዮ ርክባት
ዝኣተናዮ መብጸዓታት
ሙሉእ ብሙሉእ ከም
ነተግብሮ ብሽመይን
ብሽም መርሕነት ውድበይ
ቃል ይኣቱ፡፡ ንክትኣምኖ
ዘጸግም ኩነታት ስዩም
ዑቕባሚኪኤል ካባናን
ካብ ናይ ቃልሲ መድረኽናን
ተፈልዩና ኣሎ፡፡
ካብ ቃላቱ ‹‹እምበኣር
በብእዋኑ እንዳተራኸብና
ዝተረፉና ከኣ ኣብ
ቀጻሊ ነማዕብሎም››
ዝብሉ ብግብሪ ብትርጓምን
ብጽንዓት ብምቅላስ
ኣብ ዓወት ንምብጻሕ፡
በዚ ከኣ ንብጻይ ስዩም
ዑቕባሚኪኤል ንዝክሮ፡፡
እግዝኣብሔር መንግስቲ
ሰማይ የዋርሶ፡፡
ኣነን መርሕነተይ
ንዘልኣለም ክንዝክሮ
እና፡፡ ጽንዓት ንቤተሰቡን
ናይ ቃልሲ ብጾቱን፡፡
ዑስማን ኣቦ ወንበር