Ertereya Kuname oriya dagasiyala niyatiya kalla solinki oyniyommunnimasi Šabiya akumata kobrofokko šas kolamowana, Kuname haydala kokosimowa kotikke. Karkašše, Aykote, Ugumme, Ketumbure, Kone, Kedagule, Ketambe, Tugulite Alumme, Šambakkena Maritena suda minta sate kontallekin kobinki ašik sella fanaka moola sate kontabareta wagakin wagata solimunnimasi kokolake.


ዝርዝር ሃገራዊ ዜና

ስርዓት ሻዕቢያ: ንብሄር ኩናማ ኤርትራ ካብ ቦታ ንቦታ ንከይንቀሳቐስ ብምዕፋን፡ ሰዓት እተው እተው (ኮቦሮፎኮ) ብምእዋጅ፡ ኣብ ትሕቲ ጽኑዕ ሓለዋ የእትዩ ኣብ ከቢድ ሓደጋ ኣሳጢሑዎም ከም ዘሎ ተፈሊጡ፡፡ በዚ መሰረት ካብ ሰዓት 6፡00 ናይ ምሸት ክሳብ ንግሆ ሰዓት 7፡00 ካብ ቦታ ንቦታ ንከይንቀሳቐሱ ዓፊኑ ሕዙዎም ዘሎ ቁሸታት፡ ካርካሻ፣ ኣይኮታ፣ ኡጉሙ፣ ከቱምቡረ፣ ኮና፣ ከዳጉል፣ ከታምባ፣ ቱጉሊቲ፣ ኣሉሙ፣ ሻምባኮን ማሪቲን ከም ዝኾና ካብቲ ቦታ ዝመጸና ዜና ሓቢሩ፡፡


Freedom of  Mobility  became history in the rural areas of  Eritrean Kunama.

Several villages with entire population are surrounded, controlled and counted each by each on daily base. The right and freedom of mobilization, let alone from a village of ten to fifteen kilometers, within the one and said village is totally banned. The inhabitants of Karkasha, Aykota, Mariti, Shambakko, Koona, Taykanaba kedagul, Ketamba, Tuguliti Alummu, Ugummu and Ketumbure are ordered to restrict their movements starting from 6:00pm-7:00am (early in the morning).