Advocacy for a national unity should and has to be backed with a solid stance. What so and who ever nationalist has to underline certain preconditions into consideration .The sensitive and touch me not situation of the newly but certainly forged state -the Eritrea lures domestic and foreign forces at equal footing to design her fate. The arrogant and unpredictable nature of the rogue regime and its policies do hamper the scheme of peace and sustainable development the quest for equality and justice is unmentionable. Such tendency in very alarming speed is also reflected and pondered as a possible threat for making a bright and prosperous Eritrea. Who says what, words do say nothing but deeds. In the future Eritrea, nationals of the state should not worry and think by now as to who is going to be the next despot. Leaders from the opposition camp should avail and rekindle them selves as whether they are getting lesson from the past regime or not.

To think for a national unity is worth but it is of more valuable to explore for justice and equality .We the nationality- based and the other forces who stand for justice and equality are appealing to the maximum to redress the burning issues awaiting for a genuine solution. We anticipate the future of Eritrea to be ugly if failed to give comprehensive solution. The right of nationalities to the maximum level should attain a feedback possibly positive practically. Lip services and untimely promises and brags as well could only lead to chaos .Let we all Eritrean oppositions be at the position of understanding the fate of the future Eritrea. Let the sense of responsibility be upon us to see the burning national issues from different angles.

The ongoing peace deal between Eritrea and the Sudan initiated by the Eritrean state clearly denotes the stalemate of the former state. Isaias is searching for an excuse and way out. He is screaming for fake but possible out lets. Knowing well the psychological sphere of the people he has been governing for decades, Isaias is trying to portray himself as a true nationalist and peace maker .As usual, is trying to steal the heart of the Eritreans who have been supporting him for decades blindly. The reasons as to why Isaias is taking such a risky but soul saving measures at this very juncture are:

A. The timely and calculative attacks of the gallant liberation fighters of DMLEK that collides the state with the UNMEE,
B. The internal economic crisis that has led Isaias’s regime to scramble,
C. The diplomatic isolation the state has suffered since the border war, and
D. Lack of mass support the regime is facing since its defeat are the cases in point.

To sum up, the disgusting lack of justice and equality as any healthy Eritrean has expected right after the realization of our liberation and introduction of tyranny instead, is the over all problem for the state that is running towards its doom. And this very simple logic will lead us- the opposition to draw lessons as to how to deal with the questions pended by the out going regime. That is why time and again, we raise the quest for equality and justice while uttering about a national unity and due consideration is needed.