The doom of Isaias’s regime, undoubtedly, will herald the
birth of the new Eritrea. And of course, every Eritrean is fond
of this event though its certainty is blurred from time to time.
Still there, the overall majority of the Eritrean people, to the
best of their patient, are fed up with the aristocratic nature
of leadership as they have done with the out going one. We all
Eritreans wish and swear to remain faithful in realizing a peaceful,
accommodative and inclusive Eritrea. The tone of the Eritreans
regardless of their whereabouts concerning the future somewhat
mediocre and unpromising. Rather provocative and full of arrogance
to wards the forces, which have raised a genuine question of rights
within the context of Eritrean unity and integrity. Labeling them
as poisonous snakes nested in Addis Ababa. Snake is snake whether
it is poisonous or innocuous for it symbolizes a bad omen. People
may prefer a white cat to a black one but not to a snake. Yes,
it is result of hatred. Why all this is the question to be addressed
and it is a must to get its feed back for any citizen is eager
to have it.
Therefore, the future leader of the new Eritrea, as for the nationality-based
organizations or those who are fighting for equality irrespective
of its nature, should need the following attributes ahead of any
1. Has to be Eritrean national,
2. Has to be nationalist and accommodative,
3. Has to strive to realize the equality of nationality and religion
that could be endorsed by the Eritrean citizens at their wish,
4. Has to strive to eradicate chauvinist and narrow tendencies,
5. Has to strive to introduce democracy and good governance based
on the active participation of its subjects,
No room, therefore, should be left for any unconformable vanity.
Those who stand for succumbing motives should think twice before
they utter such an unhelpful view. Time and again, as Eritrean
citizens, The leaders of nationality-based or other be they opportunists
or power mongers, have an absolute right to propose a view for
which they believe valuable for Eritrea.Itsinviolable right of
them alone to present and express what they feel good for Eritrea
from their prospect. Should they be labeled as traitors? Think
what will happen for the Eritrea with a leader of bent ideas to
accommodate and realize the case of equality and quest for a justice.
The stated issues become public affairs and it has nothing to
do with the identified organizational leaders. Curbing the issues
would apparently mean igniting the magma of the volcano where
its creator is un able to control from eruption. Then, think also
for another moment as to what could its consequence be.
Those Eritreans with a holistic vision should resort to constructive
and skillful solution. The "eye for eye," the "tooth
for tooth" and similar means of struggle should naturally,
target the dragon nesting in Asmara not that of "Addis Ababa".
Equally still, such a means of struggle should not be taken as
a best alternative to challenge the "snakes" but the
regime we all hate disgustingly. Such sneaky but thorny arguments
do and could not hold water. We wish to see a better and progressive
Eritrea. Neither wishes nor think of a tyranny that tries to appear
with all malicious and magnanimity. Such an approach is a threat
and alarm in deed for the remaining Eritrean nationalities to
build-up their respective militias to assume the warlord perception.
Instead of and while great efforts are underway to upgrade the
concept and attitude of one and united force of the opposition
camp in deed, such a suggestion will damage the healthy relation
so far secured. Therefore, let the triumph leader of the future
Eritrea be a person of vision. Lets hope and help to back-up our
future leaders with constructive and harmonious opinion.
Abbadar of DMLEK