The good day of the one time EPLF and the current PFDJ seem withering.
The old fame, and the best abilities of shaabiya with its military
and intelligence mighty is fading from time to time. The regime
of PFDJ i.e. lingering and counting its days. Today the PFDJ system
is found to be unable to protect its number one leader Isaias
Afwerqi. Weddi Afom is in danger. The over all security network
is suffering a leakage. Whereabouts of Isaias Afwerqi is becoming
secret of street and public toilet places. When and where ever
he plans to move his plans and shadow is falling at the hands
of his enemies. He dislikes the politics and wishes to distance
himself but where to go? To be frank, the heydays of "our
president" are gone and will never come back if not for a
The successful attacks by the DMLEK’s contingents at the
next days of Isaias’s visit exposes the failure in the security
apparatus of the regime. The attacks have urged Isaias to seat
for a meeting at Denden. Still, the successful attack waged against
his best friend and lobbyist is also another reflection of crises
in the security apparatus of the system. And it is too late to
severe such a chronic disease. That frustration has led Isaias
to make a fatal decision of grounding the helicopters of UNMEE.
Yes, it is a real shame for shaabiya, its members, supporters
and sympathizers to face such a blow.
Though the decision made was meant to show the already inflicted
fist, the actual purpose is to put a pressure on the united nation
and the Ethiopian government in direct and indirect way. Isaias
knows that he lacks the power he had before two or three years
.He knows that it is not the ammunition that fights but human
with a huge moral from and with in the Eritrean people. To day,
the sole supporters of the PFDJ regime are the ones who reside
in Diaspora. And for sure and by now every one knows that the
politics of Diaspora is nothing else but a seashore politics where
people talk on their way in holidays. The frustrated and intoxicated
politicians too do lack the gut to go and push the armaments bought.
That’s it. To day, neither Wuchu nor Manjus will help Isaias
for they them selves are in need of assistance. The exhausted
and disillusioned members of the defense force are heading the
way to either the Sudan or Ethiopia to spare their lives. The
only option left for Isaias was the cursed one he has taken: the
option that will pull him towards the almighty and omnipotent
powers-the USA and the UN. He did it and he is brave. Now and
hereafter, he will count the wait- and- see days. Its unfortunate
we Eritreans too are taking part to count the wait-and-see days
by the mere fault a deviated president has made. Its pity for
all of us to leave Isaias to design our fates. The regime becomes
a toothless lion.