Objective laws that have their roots in the human nature to improve society in general govern politics like society. It is first necessary to understand the laws by which society lives. Another signpost that helps is the concept of power. One has to realize that interests (material, ideal) not ideas dominate the actions of a nation. We should be aware of the moral significance of political action. One has to be mindful that nations’ organizations’ moral aspirations may be different or similar, thus talking of good or evil of relations is to ponder beyond ones capacity.


What defines right and wrong in politics? What defines right and wrong in politics would be basic common sense. Both are based on conception and perception. What I consider right may be considered wrong by others. To disagree and try to propagate your view point to convince others so as to get the attention and approval of the majority is the democratic way. The Eritrean opposition is working for revolutionary change in Eritrea so as to get rid of dictatorship and erect democracy. Mischaracterization, distortion and copy right violation in the name of journalism and character assassination in the name of free speech is vulgar journalism and free speech that does not respect the democratic way, but violets the democratic principles.

Society evolves and situations change and theory be gets theory. Thus most of the time norms, ethics change mostly for the better we presume and human rules and regulations adapt to situations and what was perceived right at certain space and time might be perceived wrong at another situation of space and time by certain society. Mostly in political principles it is a matter of choice and personal or group or societal interest that distinguishes some one’s stand from another and should not be labeled as right and wrong. Side issues do not lead to progress, but to vicious circle. The issue raised by RADIO VOICE OF ERITREAN PEOPLE in W.D. is what kind of relationship should the Eritrean opposition have with our neighbors Ethiopia< /st1:country-region>, Sudan and Yemen the San’a Alliance. Keep the point straight, side issues and misinterpretation, distortion are not helpful, but distraction. Below are some types of political relationships we expect and we urge for strategic one.


· That is not based on democratic ideals.
· That is based on the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
· That is not based on relationship of society.
· That is not based on long-term relationship.
· That is not based on commitments, but on day-to- day activities.

· Believes in sovergneity of each other.
· Believes in rights of nationality in each other’s place or country.
· Believes in territorial integrity of each country.
· Believes in the facts that political, economic and cultural prosperities of each nation shall have a positive moral and material influence on the people of each country.
· Believes in security problem in one affects the other.
· Believes in the historical relationship and cultures of these nations.
· Believes in similarities and differences in governances of the two nations.
· Believes in economic interdependence of the two nations.
· Believes in cultural freedom and devise means of cooperation accordingly.
· Believes in independent foreign policy.


When the issue of strategic relationship surfaced last time, the enemies of democracy and strategic relationship with Ethiopia raised their tentacles and roared like a wounded lion. Here are some of the tactics of side issues they tried to misinform the Eritrean public.

· Try to create cracks between opposition organizations by mischaracterization statements out of their context such as “Ethiopia invited to invade Eritrea”.
· Deny progress in democratic endeavor of neighboring countries defying world community testimony.
· Misinform Eritreans that Eritrea is at war with Ethiopia. So as an opposition one should not open an office in Ethiopia, implying strategic relationship is like siding with Ethiopia in the war against your own country.
· Address the Ethiopian government as TPLF government as the dictatorial regime addresses the government of Ethiopia.
· Comparing KINIGIT (CUD) to EDA as playing similar political tactics for similar end game.
· Denying political weakness emanates from them, but blames on veteran leaders and organizations only.
· Introduce fictitious organizations, write fictitious articles, practice plagiarism, forgery and commit copy right violation.
· Good at labeling people’s personality, opinion and principles. We are not saying peoples’ web-sites; the media should not have stand, inclination and try in a way to influence others towards their goal, but are doing things out of the ordinary and in outrageous way even if their intention is to serve their political stand. Follow the norms, respect other peoples rights and journalistic ethics, if not it is our duty to inform the people what is out of the ordinary.

The Eritrean opposition organizations especially EDA are increasingly expected to respond to the challenge of democratization at all times. We would like to say that nearly all opposition organizations were not bad in responding to the challenge of struggle, but only on paper. That is to say their political programs, charter are organized that satisfies those who want to see change for the better in Eritrea., but the challenge on how to implement these paper perfect programs and charters have never reached the minimum expectation of the Eritrean people

In democratization the struggle between political organizations should not be a fight for survival, but competition to serve the people. The challenge today is change for the better. Change can be viewed as either an opportunity or a threat. Democratic change is a threat for pseudo- democrats. When change is reactive and not well planned, the organization can get stuck in the maintenance or defensive cycle. When change is proactive, well planned and carefully implemented the organization can function in a growth cycle. In our opinion Eritrean opposition organizations in general and the EDA since its inception have been going for reactive change. Every leadership meeting we see new change out of the blue and most of time result in weakening the organizations. Change should be planned with expert advice so as to guide the process.

A year ago the EDA eliminated the associate membership cloth and introduced membership criteria. In our opinion such unplanned and with no input from experts hurt the EDA. Now the EDA want to have National Congress with others as observers. We think this is a futile activity mainly to avoid the main challenge coming from our neighbors that is plan for strategic relationship.

When our neighboring countries call at the heart of the EDA meeting for strategic relationship, the EDA excuses that the war on terror is an obstacle to the Eritrean opposition is absurd and bazaar we ever heard. If our neighbors are ready to help us how is the war on terror affecting us? The EDA did not do enough to acquaint its charter and mobilize the people. We did not see any self-criticism of EDA, but praising each other and this is lack of transparency and accountability in our opinion. Eritrean opposition organizations’ struggle is a struggle for liberation and any disregard for any right be it nationality right or freedom of faith will have drastic effect and will be to the benefit of the dictatorial regime.

We struggle we succeed
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Glory to our Martyrs