Fellow Eritreans, as we lurch from crises to crises,
we have to stand on our feet on our move. We entered the heart of Eritrea
in 1991 through the rubbles of war, parched fields, shrinking forests,
dying rivers, craters left by F5 bombs. After all those sacrifices of
our gallant fighter brothers and sisters, now our country, almost cease
to be merely a country and became the prison of its citizens. Ladies
and gentle men and fellow Eritreans the scale of operation or the governance
system should change dramatically once and for all. Eritreans through
out our history recognized the need for our own system of government
for the people by the people and to the people. Our struggle enabled
us to get rid of colonialism with the heavy lose of life and property
not taking into account how colonialism hampered our economic and social
development. To the surprise of ourselves, the world community and peace
living nations we ended up with brutal dictatorship. After all those
sacrifices in our armed struggle how could such thing happen? Most Eritreans
believed in bright future and fought side by side irrespective of nationality
for the common question first and for most which is colonialism. Eritrean
liberation heroes do remember now the tricks of these dictators used
to play military slogans like “pack up and walk until your legs
fail you, where you never ask -tebges yebluka tebeges , kid kesab
egrka tegurest, naby aytehateten.”
Democracy is simply defined as “GOVERNMENT BY
THE MAJORITY OF CITIZENS”. Laws and decisions are made by democratic
governance and citizen participation, not by a monarch or dictator.
Thus, legitimacy and power is given to individuals and agencies through
the people they govern, not because of family heritage or military strength.
A government is an organization that has the power to make and enforce
laws for a certain territory. “Govern” means the power to
administer, whether an area of land, a set group of people, or an association.
The process through which a political system becomes
democratic depends on the political reality of the society, nature of
the existing government in power, social and economic development of
that particular society, maturity and strength of the political opposition,
Aristotle defined democracy as rule by the people,
and this idea that in some way the people govern themselves is still
the core meaning of democracy. But around this idea several related
themes have developed that are now integral to what democracy means.
They can be stated as:
People govern themselves by regular elections through which their highest
leaders are periodically determined (representative democracy) or policies
governing them are chosen (direct democracy).
The right to vote that includes all adults. This is
modern addition. Not so long ago governments were called democratic
that exclude from the franchise all slaves, women and people that did
not meet certain property or literacy requirement.
The acceptance of certain democratic rights, such as
the right to vote, the right to have one’s vote counted equally,
the right to run for office and the right to organize political groups
or parties.
Provide the framework for democratic rule and this
protects democratic rights.
In addition to the above basic meaning of democracy, the following must
be present in order democracy to exist. Free communication media, open
competition for political office- which means more than one political
parties, religious freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of association,
constitution, peoples economic power, minority rights and political
right of nationalities.
How is the above ideal to be achieved in our beloved
Eritrean contemporary political situation?
The other day I talked to a young Eritrean who came
to the US. who is fortunate enough to escape EPDJ prison. I asked him
how life was in Eritrea? He said “ it would be an utter lie if
I say to you it was fine. I read about slavery in my history lessons,
but I don’t think you will believe me if I say to you slavery
is the Eritrean experience of every day life”.
Eritrea faces very serious challenge in the task of
nation building and growth of the political culture, which accepts that
all the citizens and every citizen should be free to participate in
framing the destiny of the country in accordance with his or her conscience.
· Expand the circles of development and build the infrastructures
of democracy.
· Ignite workable economic policy.
· Strengthen alliances to deal with poverty, healthcare and illiteracy.
· Prevent saboteurs from destruction.
· Champion aspirations for human dignity.
· Work with others to defuse regional conflicts.
· Develop agendas for cooperation.
· Erect multi-party democracy
· Allow freedom of conscience, of expression and of association.
· Respect life, liberty, security, of the person and protection
of the law.
· Establish the law of the land, which is the constitution and
enforce its practice.
· Enslave Eritrans in the name of national service
and defense of the mother- land.
· Massacres people.
· Herd Eritreans in prisons of unknown locations.
· Open accounts and invests in places like China while Eritrea
is deprived of hard currency.
· Practice corruption and bribery in governance.
· Dived and rule.
· Cause human suffering of mal-nutrition, hunger, illness, and
· Cause economic destruction by governing the country with no
economic plan.
· Cause severe bodily and mental pains on the people who govern.
· Creates flood of refugees.
· Reins on one-party dictatorship the negation of our armed struggle
and the Oath of independence.
In the last few years since independence of our beloved
Eritrea, the objective and subjective conditions had ripened making
it possible to firmly and irrevocably root out the dictatorial regime
in our country, and to create a genuine, revolutionary political parties
and civic societies spread to every corner of Eritrea, intensifying
the mass struggles for democratic and human rights and national liberation.
Three major water-shed historical era occurred in our
historic struggle since the Eritrean entity was clinched in the nineteenth
· The heroic struggle of our fathers and mothers
for the independence of Eritrea which ended up in federal yoke.
· Our historic armed struggle that enabled us to snatch our independence.
· The presented day struggle for democratic and human rights,
for national liberation and economic development.
Today Eritreans have the task of liberation which
voluntarily and enthusiastically have chosen to undertake. Eritrean
revolutionaries have the obligation to erect stable Eritrea by putting
an end to the grip of the dictatorial regime. The eventual goal is to
turn to political, social and economic reconstruction to make it the
pre occupation of all Eritreans, where we can create growth and development,
so that injustice vanish and just distribution of resources and power
prevail and people will employ in fruitful production.
Even in peaceful and stable Eritrea people will differ
in their political, social and economic approach. People differ in their
approach in accordance to their need and aspirations. That is why Eritreans
are trying to get rid of dictatorship and establish multi-party democracy.
Some people confuse the contemporary political stage we are at in the
opposition camp with full fledged political system establishment. In
many political gatherings and seminars we see and hear some people saying
“ we form committees representing the people. The leaders of political
organizations must be accountable to the Eritrean people”. We
say this is like putting the cart before the horse. We are not there
yet. Political or ganization leaders are accountable to their political
program, united front leaders are accountable to their charter. We are
at the era of revolutionary struggle where organization members serve
their political program and the mass follow the one which they think
will serve their interest. This is the era where political organizations
may contemplate transition to political parties, form alliances, united
fronts etc. It is crucial that all revolutionary organizations unit
on minimum national program which enables us transition to provisional
national government. That is why we hailed the formation of the Eritrean
National Alliance ENA, now EDA and joined it to contribute to the effect
of liberation.
Fellow Eritreans should be aware and attentive to distinguish
rhetoric from unity for plan of action. Rhetoric is defined as “the
art of expression and the persuasive use of language may be insincere
or pretentious so as to influence or persuade others.” Rhetoric
appeals to emotions rather than reason. Rhetoric duels on creative speeches
rather than documentation and records of achievement..
Nowadays some Eritrean opposition organizations are issuing joint communiqué
of agreement, others communiqué of understanding. Some are EDA
members, others are outside EDA. People say “unity is strength”.
Is it universal? We say it depends on the nature, history, circumstances
and the scope of the unifying factors. Countries, parties, organizations
form alliances, unity, federations--- etc like UN, AU, Arab league for
international, regional, economic and political interests and some times
overlap on being members in two or more alliances. We say such alliances
are healthy and unity is strength.
In Eritrea today we have short- term and long- term political objectives.
The short- term objective is to get rid of dictatorship and the long
term is peace, stability and prosperity. The alliances and unity for
the short term should be based on minimum national charter which already
exists known as the EDA charter. This charter could be strengthened
and broadened with new ideas, but should not be abandoned. Eritrean
opposition organizations which have similar political programs may discuss
and stride towards forming political parties which is one of the long
term Eritrean National Program which is healthy and acceptable unity.
In our political world, government leadership serve
citizens, political party leadership serve members, organizations serve
grassroots. The citizens, members or grassroots may be free societies,
people with the political power at their will and who are always listened
and heard or sub-servants to their leadership, always follow orders,
never have input in governance.
Governments, political parties and organizations to
reach the desired goal should possess the basic organizational characteristics:
A) Stable relationship of leadership and citizens.
B) A rough division of labor.
At any political situation whether stable or unstable, it would be reassuring
to know that a strong, intelligent leadership is at the helms of our
nation or organization. Once Napolean was asked what distinguishes a
great leader from regular politician, he explained that “it was
not innate intelligence, but the mental power that is to concentrate
on objectives for long periods without tiring.”
Here are some leadership qualities stated by many
· VISION-one of a good leadership qualities is strong clear vision
and the ability to convey it. You need to understand where you want
to lead your people, how you plan to get them there and the ability
to communicate this destination to your people. The goal set by the
leadership must be specific, realistic, achievable and measurable.
· THEME- a theme is what people associate with, which in effective
leadership will be the relentless pursuit of the vision. For example
Nelson Mandella although he is associated with the liberation of South
Once his work in South Africa was done he continued to pursue ways and
means to help other communities access these rights.
· TRUSTWORTHINESS OR CONFIDENCE- people won’t follow you
unless you have shown integrity and consistency. Developing trust, belief
and confidence in the members and their abilities is essential. Leadership
who never trust others will either try to do most of the work them-selves
or minutely scrutinize the work of others. This will result in excess
work- load which such leadership never be able to cope. Thereby reducing
leadership’s own effectiveness.
· CONSULTATION OR MODESTY-leadership should have the courage
to delegate or consult. Knowing the members opinions on matters affecting
working of the different division of labor is essential to make them
feel that they are involved in decision- making. People perform their
best when they feel that they are in a democratic situation with freedom
to express their views. Appointed or delegated groups should be able
to make their decisions without interference from the leadership.
· COMPOSURE OR COOLNESS- ability of leadership to maintain their
cool under most trying and adverse situations in work place will help
them to provide strength to their people and boost moral. Good leadership
doesn’t run around like the world is about to collapse every time
there is a problem. The attitude, should be “ we can work this
· COURAGE- mental and psychological courage to own responsibility
for actions, inactions and decisions and to learn from past mistakes
is a hallmark of any successful team builder.
In the past several decades some experts have undergone
a revolution in how they define leadership and what their attitudes
are towards it. They have gone from a very autocratic approach to a
very creative participative approach. Somewhere along the line, it was
determined that not every thing old was bad and not every thing new
was good. Rather, different styles were needed for different situations
and each leadership needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach.
Here are some basic leadership styles.
· AUTOCRATIC LEADERSHIP STYLE- is one in which the leadership
retains as much power and decision making authority as possible. The
leadership does not consult the people nor are allowed to put any input.
Every body is expected to obey orders with out receiving any explanation.
The motivation environment is produced by creating a structured set
of rewards and punishments. This is supposed to be practiced in military
· BUREACRATIC LEADERSHIP STYLE- it is well known as “ by
the books”. Every thing must be done according to procedure or
policy. The leadership enforces the rules. In such a situation people
usually lose their interest in their activities and duties and in their
leadership. People do only what is expected of them and no more. There
is no room for creativity growth and innovation.
· DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP STYLE- is characterized by a structured,
but cooperative approach to decision making. It is also called the participative
style. People are well informed of what is going on that could affect
their lives. The style requires the leadership to be a coach who has
the final say. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and high
quantity work for a long period of time. Team spirit and high moral
is the manifestation of democratic style leadership.
· LAISSEZ FAIRE STYLE- is characterized by the absence of any
real leadership. Usually with no goals or direction. There is a state
of confusion and lack of confidence in leadership. Productivity is usually
low. It is said to be “hand-off style”. This may be applicable
in highly skilled, experienced and educated society.
Eritreans have been and are going on continuous political
struggle for freedom and democracy since the inception of our Eritrean
identity. Struggle asks organization and organization needs leadership
and membership. It is beyond this article to give researched, reasonable
of expert quality opinion on the history of Eritrean leadership and
membership on the long struggle we are tiptoeing. But we would like
to shed our decent observation.
Eritreans fought chain of colonial governments for the liberation of
Eritrea. We would like to classify it as pre- armed struggle, armed
struggle, post armed struggle.
The pre-armed struggle did not seem to have neither
vision nor the right theme. They were the Unity with Ethiopia proponents,
Pro- Italia grouping, The Rabbita Al Islamia organization, Eritrea for
Eritreans, Mahber shewate (party of seven)----etc. There wasn’t
cohesive leadership, no common goal and no vision or theme, but miraculously
enabled Eritreans to promote the struggle to an armed revolution.
The Eritrean armed revolution had a clear goal and a theme. The goal
was “FREE AND LIBERATED ERITREA” and the theme was “THERE
OUR BLOOD ”. The leadership from the very beginning was not capable
of setting a clear plan of action and put the goal into vision with
steps of plan of action to reach the goal. It was clear some groups
in the leadership had hidden or ulterior motive which we think led us
to bloody continuous civil war which helped the enemy to bleed us for
unnecessary thirty years. We observed the leadership’s determination
for domination in the Eritrean politics by all means possible throughout
the armed struggle. Such malicious and connive attitude was tolerated
by the fighters, because we had to look for the bigger picture that
is vanquishing the enemy to achieve the goal and also of misunderstanding
the hidden agenda of struggle for domination. Of course it does not
mean there was no concern and objection by visionary fighters, some
even gave their lives for it, but was only marginal. Eritrea’s
armed struggle was full of strife for domination. It is not history
yet that Eritrean fighters perish in civil war comparable to that we
lost fighting the enemy. Domination prevailed over reason, but thanks
due to the shifting of global cold war to one side helped to some extent
to attain our independence besides the effort of our gallant tolerant
fighters. Then the dominant ones took power in our new born country,
the vanquished ones remained out of the country leading op position
organizations. It is with this in mind we have to struggle to erect
democracy in Eritrea.
The current dictatorial (PFDJ) leadership of sovereign
Eritrea has neither a vision nor the intellect that Eritrea badly needs.
There is no economic plan, but to depend on donor countries. No social
interaction guidelines, but to ban and intimidate who ever raises questions.
No national security rationale, but enslaving every physically fit Eritrean
in the name of “national service.” No political discourse,
but herding Eritreans in camps to clean out-dated guns to keep them
busy when they are not busy.
The vanquished do not seem to have improved and learned
from past mistakes, we see their incompetence and IYO MACHO attitude
in the following ways:
· Craft political programs and charters that never dear to implement
· Never delegate people in places where the need is crucial.
· Have no sense of accountability and transparency. Have meetings,
formulate programs that are never conveyed to the very people they say
they represent.
· Split when they see their position is threatened.
· Some craft one man party program and ponder as if they have
The famed psychologist Abraham Maslow is often quoted as saying “
Regardless of the situation or circumstances Eritrean chain of command
or leadership tends to utilize the same tool even though alternate tool
might be more appropriate. Are we Eritreans having systemic weakness
of leadership quality that we are not aware of? Who is to blame? We
Eritreans as a society share it as a whole. We cannot shove the inaction
to our fathers from generation to generation. Education is not knowledge,
but action.
The vehicles that could enable us to erect democratic
institutions are conferences, seminars, workshops, forums---etc. The
goal is democratic peaceful and stable Eritrea and the theme is, liberate
Eritrea by all possible means. It requires all agents of change to be
involved in innovative economic, social, political and military initiatives,
based on shared values and objectives tailored to specific national
and local situations. Effective civic societies, the media, political
organizations, human rights group organizations, watch dog groups can
enter into social, political dialogue and partnership to promote democratization,
national reconciliation and peace building. Let us be all part of the
solu tion of the systemic weakness of leadership quality in Eritrea
* All these political organizations give lip service
to democracy and only wait for change to happen miraculously. Let us
start from the scratch. Is it feasible to jump a process?
· To break the stalemate, parties that advance secular program,
parties that advance federal program, Islamist parties should enter
into unity or alliances to form three blocks and work together with
minimum program. We say unity is strength, but we don’t agree
with the categorization and characterization. Our struggle is democratization
, movements organize with their base’s issue or political right
denied , because of such situation to brand those who emphasize religious
freedom Islamists and those who emphasize nationality rights federalists
when they willingly and gleefully are a party in formulating and abiding
by the EDA char ter is not fair. How are the organizations that have
problem with freedom of conscience and question of nationality are said
to be secular? We think all of them work for secular government in Eritrea
as the charter suggests.
· The goal of the Eritrean armed struggle which was freedom is
achieved. There is no need for another civil war, let us give TIME a
chance change will happen sooner or later. Our question is will praying
· We believe the EDA charter can guide us to victory, so we say
don’t end it, or mend it, implement it. Restore associate membership
and the membership card which did not get the chance to see the daylight
Avoid voting criteria until victory which at this time is recipe for
exclusion and is party criteria, but membership application criteria
is fine. We see the EDA preparing to conduct national congress in the
coming six months. Where did this idea come from? Did you sense it from
the people you serve? No precedent of its kind and we don’t think
it make the charter better. Is it a means of hibernation? Besides, conference
was a hot issue some years ago, but problem such as that moderates it,
financing, security concern and ideal place of conference. The EDA a
year ago suggested conference to be conducted right after victory and
having the above obstacles in mind most people were satisfied if not
all. Now the EDA is having a committee discussing national conference.
Is it for after or before victory? If it is for before victory, are
the obstacles solved? It looks that you are saying “what is on
the mountain let the wind blow it, what ever on the plains let the flood
remove it.” Please don’t read us wrong, we understand the
importance of a national conference, but the obstacles should be tackled
· The EDA and all other political organizations should introduce
term limits retroactive for leaders at the executive and legislative
branches and we say reshuffling is not term limit. When some one in
a comma for years is the chair person, others are at the executive level
in their respective organizations and alliances they form, we see autocracy,
but not democracy.
· The dictatorial regime in the country is devoid of public trust
and support, but these Eritrean public don’t have neither the
confidence nor the trust on the opposition organizations. The opposition
organizations should engage themselves on activities which build public
trust and confidence. To mention some, accepting the five point plan
of Ethiopia and call for implementation of the commission concerning
the boarder conflict is not enough in our opinion. We should set a committee
that study how many Erireans are affected with this verdict and how
many villages and towns are being split, so as to say negotiated settlement
is helpful to demarcate the boarder and we have to have records and
documentation. Eritreans were sent home from Ethiopia while thousands
remained there. We need to form a committee in consultations with the
Ethiopian government which assesses such situation. We are in Ethiopia
where no less than 300,000 Eritreans live as Ethiopians. This committee
can discuss the possibility of dual citizenship for both Ethiopians
and Eritreans. Eritreans live in neighboring countries as refugees.
A committee is needed to work into how they exist and ways to improve
their livelihood. The committees should not cost any thing, because
they can be organized from the people who live there, but leadership
is needed to approach the neighboring governments. People trust you
when you show them that you are there to serve them.
· The opposition should think seriously on building strategic
relationship with our neighbors. Giving lip-service is one thing while
committing yourself to it is another. Eritrea and our neighbors benefit
from stable, economically vibrant region. Some individuals deliberately
try to relate our call for strategic relationship with our neighbors
with what PFDJ used to propagate and sell the idea of federation or
confederation with Ethiopia and economic tie with the intention of dominating
the East African market. We opposed such ill conceived relationship
then and we oppose such relationship now. Please read our theory on
strategic relationship from our recent articles on this issue and expose
the distortion of these writers. When we say strategic relationship,
we are presenting a vision so as to build confidence, trust and common
understanding between the two parties at this moment, but not legal
binding and government level agreements that need mandate and ratification
based on the vision after democratic Eritrea is realized. Based on this
mutual confidence and trust, the opposition gets reasonable help for
the struggle and create durable relationship after victory. That will
be the day that EDA will form a committee and call the neighbors that
it is ready.
· Approach Eritrean intellectuals and academicians to participate
and share their expertise in required field of study, such as FORM OF
EDA has to identify these experts and invite them to help erect democracy.
They don’t come to us, but should approach them.
· In our opinion the regime in Eritrea has to be dealt with armed
resistance. Organizations that are pro-armed resistance should coordinate
and organize armed resistance institution under unified command with
the theory ONE ARMY, MULTI-PARTY. Those who are for peaceful opposition
should respect the activities of the army and since it is in the charter
there should not be room for reservation in a way to bleed the contents
of the charter. What is agreed and ratified should be respected.
· The EDA should delegate a chairperson, a vice and a secretary
in each zone where Eritreans reside with the power of decision making.
The practice of having a committee from a member of each organization
in the area, did not work, is not working and will not work It is the
innovation which is lacking to make things work. In fact most of the
above suggestions could easily be effective if there is a will of the
EDA leadership.
Comments at ama766@comcast,net