Knowing the exact difference and working for a superb out come is a wisdom

A political difference is natural. What unnatural is the lack of tolerance and commitment to iron-out difference and work for a better out come. Who knows, what, and how, is a matter of struggle. In a course of struggle, people share experiences, exchange values, and give reverence to each other.
At times, differences mount and erupt to the extent of uncontrollable stage. At times it will be smooth, promising and deplorable to correct. The timely meeting of the two sisterly organizations, Democratic Movement for the Liberation of Eritrean Kunama (DMLEK) and Eritrean Liberation Front Revolutionary Council (ELF-RC) is a deducible lesson that denotes political differences misunderstandings and temporary squabbles are not eternals but manageable if intended to see a greater and better picture. Today’s squabble may lay a fertile ground for tomorrow's better relation. It depends on the wisdom of the leaders to give a room for such opportunities to convert in to mutual benefit. Therefore, every human being should know the exact difference he/she has with and should also strive for a better and commonly shared benefits.

Principles of DMLEK shall flourish for ever !!