For a good achievement, Every one Claims!!
Good results make people dance. The jubilant ones
rejoice time and again for the out come assured and achieved. The
recent public demonstration of Brussels, unlike of the Strasberg,
was, lively, popular and thematic. It was well organized peaceful
as its name and promising in its content and form as well. Good
job and well done. A mission that deserves appreciation. Still,
the so-called unscrupulous, self-asserted and vindictive-minded
"civic societies" will spam and spoil the motive of such
popular and thematic demonstrations unless scrutinized and handled
with care. And, this should be a job of every concerned Eritrean.
Look there! for a good outcome every one claim and cheers. The peaceful
means of struggle with all its civility will yield such a fruit.
The combination of peaceful and armed struggle for which the Eritrean
Democratic Alliance (EDA) has endorsed in its second regular meeting
sheds the light with in short period of time. The recently achieved
military operations of EDA, the lively coordination of thoughts
and the sweeping victories of our civic society (NECS) are tangible
evidences of the struggle of resented Eritreans.
There are confused "civic societies"
claiming and wishing to sit for a dialogue. The recently popped
idea of Isaias"s readiness for dialogue with some selected
oppositions is intended to:
1. To negotiate with those organizations to which the regime considers
as nationalists. Even though the existence of such political organizations
or civic societies is questionable in the opposition camp; the so
attributed organizations are those who had been collaborating with
the regime in various streams. There could be no surprise if the
regime negotiates and accommodates them as nationalists for the
role they have played in paralyzing the opposition camp as a lukewarm.
2. To negotiate with those civic societies and web sites those have
been playing actively in exposing and derailing the ongoing struggle.
Such civic societies after the dialogue will fill the blank of the
political organization to which the regime considers as stooges.
The so-called "civic societies" are therefore waiting
for such a lottery staying tuned and salivated.
3. (The third part the regime might think) to negotiate with is
the so-called political brokers be it political organizations or
"civic societies" which strive to liquidate and disperse
the political organizations which pose a threat to the regime. Such
forces will try their best to convince, bribe, or naturalize the
strong, integrated, and principled leaders and organizations to
escort with them. If failed the term of negotiation will automatically
reverse and terminated. The real dialogue however should be carried-out
with those organizations capable of posing a threat towards the
central government not with its own satellites. At this juncture,
such situation is not ripe in Eritrea. The regime might think of
ambushing some selected organizations of the above categories. The
trap is already exposed and dehumanized. The only alternative left
for the political organizations and the true civic societies struggling
for a real and radical change is to coordinate and intensify the
struggle as now. The wolves in sheep clothing should also be followed
and inspected. If any dialogue is needed the regime, prior to any
step, should seat with our neighbors to settle all its problems.
There fore, for a good and satisfactory achievement lets puts our
hands together and work for a better result. Let's appreciate the
splendid job too.