
Balancing the tug-of-war and tilted politics of Eritrea Part 2

Lawlessness and its consequences or effects in Eritrea

1. " The law is only thing that keeps us in line.( Aristotle, Greek philosopher)

2. " Abey zella kwam, Kwam maita...not to mention kwam tekebira ab Ertra."(Ato Isayas Afewerki, the false Eritrean philosopher)

This time, therefore, I am going to discuss about "lawlessness" and its consequences or effects in Eritrea. So just pause 5 minutes and think of it. What does lawlessness bring to our Country since lawlessness is antithesis of law and order? well, it brings anarchy; and anarchy brings all kinds of political, socia and economical maladies: upheaval, thuggery, corruption, human trafficking, money laundery and so on and so forth...and the person who was supposed to govern Eritrea and its valued people by law as the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, taught us over 2300 years ago, today in 21th century, Ato Isayas misrules our Nation State and its cherished people by "fear and force" instead, and not to mention countless diabolic things that Isayas and his henchmen are exerting on our Country and people.Nowadays, as the result, we are helplessly witnessing an endless exodus of our young people stretching from Eritrea to Europe and beyond by becoming the "global nomads" for the very first time in 125 years history of Eritrea. You know, a Nation with no people is like having a musical instrument...let us say... a piano with no a pianist to play it and to entertain his or her audience just to give you an idea. Thus the situation in Eritrea is extremely precarious, indeed. And for some segments of our society, the Kunama, their plight is even worst. Our Kunama people do not live a life but they barely survive as second class citizens in their own Country; in fact, their is no room for minority, indigenous people in Isayas Afewerki's Eritrea, moreover. As I write these pages, another bad news comes"from the horse's mouth" and from Radio Medrek of Feb/23/16 saying that Ato Kahsay Ghebrehiwet, the administrator of Gash/Barka but we, the Indigenous People, call him " the colonizer of Gash/Barka for his ill-treatment of our people and for being the man of conflict of interest in evicting the people of the land and for giving it away to his own people: quote "nisidra betun, deki kebabiun" and quote; and that the situation is still very tense...and that there is confrontation here and there with the brand new setlers and the animosity is still in the air and it is brewing for future war among our people when this onerous and rottem regime is eliminated.

Yes, Eritrea is a land of many Martyrs but it is also a land of many "shafatu, thieves, injustices, victims blamers and wekharu" like Kahsay Ghebrehiwet and many others...

On the other side of the coin, ironically, there are some, very few unscrupulous, sold out Kunama individuals who are paid to the teeth by Isayas Afeweki's corrupt regime to do the dirty job against their own, those Kunama in prominence and the Kunama Organization itself in order to put the Kunama issue at the mercy of the rotten regime for possible ethnic engineering, assimilation, or systematic eviction from Kunama land all together; and those sold out Kunama individuals are inside and outside the Country.

I am not done, yet! Nowadays in Eritrea, furthermore, to make things worse, our Eritrea is rulled by functionally illiterate, ruthless and corrupt generals and colonels, sort of mini administrations here and there across the country in agreement with so called president, the commander in chief with the slogan: "scratch my back and I scratch yours" and by giving them blind eyes in robbing and raping anything valuable in that country, from gold mining of Bisha to agricultural products of Gash basin and in between. And the mind boggling obvious question remains in the air...where is that goddamned mony? Well, In the land where there is no law, transparency and responsibility, you find more questions with no answers! And, moreover, our country many times poorer than before is in dire conditions and its people go their way without. And before all tthis mess back some relatively good years, Isayas had promised that he would transform Eritrea into Singapore. And, retrospectively, I assumed he meant the real Singapore, the city island, the cleanest city in the world, where they charge you 1000.00 dollars for littering and 150.00 dollars for not flushing the public toilets; and with the literacy rate of the population 100%; and GDP is one of the highest in the world per capita and so on and so forth...

What about our Eritrea after all these years of...let us say "Isayasm" ? Hmm...I don't have to tell you something we all know very well my fellow compatriots; but, in other words, Isayas lives in the bubble and not to mention that he is a deliberate and witty day dreamer at expense of innocent people and virgin Nation, Eritrea.

Not only this but, according to Negasi Sereke, Dembe Police, in his interview on Radio Assenna with Amaniel Yasu on Feb 06/16 said that those former freedom fighters turned to thieves (Shefatu) go everywhere including in sending their accessories to crime as far as to killil Tigray, Ethiopia, to raid and rob cattle from peasants and bring them to Eritrea dividing among themselves: "Zemen urra, urra nebsikha aitiberra,"as our Tigrigna adage says it all.

By the way, what about our cattle, sheep goats and peope themselves in Gash/Barka region and in the rest of Eritrea? We are still waiting for somebody, like Negasi Sereke, who can come forward to tell us "nothing else" but the truth so we can make them accoutable for the rest of their lives; believe me that the planet earth is limited for them!

Oops did I say mini governments on above pages?

Yes, I did; and each minigovernment or administration or whatever you call it, has its own prisons system; their system is spartan, cruel and wicked...here and there with their kangaroo courts and only God knows what they do to our young men and women in Eritrean Defence Force (EDF) and civilians who are considered outlaws in the land of no law, constituion and civil order...well, that keeps us" in line."

In conclusion, in Eritrea not having the law to keep us in line as the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, taught us since primordial times, the situation in Eritrea, therefore, is dire, extremely desperate. Since there is no a functional, effective Governemtn in Eritrea, today there is a rampant shiftinet, thuggery, human trafficking, moneylaundering, corruption and nepotism and... you name it. And...to make long story short, it is like a locked car "a follo", neutral, rolling down the slope at a uniform acceleration towards the precipice with no driver at the seat to stop it. Hurry, hurry and hurry up!?!? Time is the essence here, it is a race against the time. In split minutes, seconds the car would end up into the waiting cliff by breaking up into pieces and it would not be a car anymore but pieces of metal here and there in the abyss. So what would you do in these dire situations except to yell frenetically for help even from total strangers, passing by persons who could help to stop the rolling down car even with bare hands holding it at any dangling, loose material to stop it from catastrophy.

Similarly, I am afraid that our Eritrea will end up in that situation by dismembering itself in Nations and Nationalities enclaves by going apart their opposite ways at the worst should we delay to come together to save it from man made "fiasco." If that fateful time comes, well, it is over, for good.

Well, I hope not! I hope I am wrong.

To be continued...

March, 2016

N. Galla.